Forge Project acknowledges that we are situated on the unceded and ancestral homelands of the Moh-He-Con-Nuck, the Peoples of the Waters that Are Never Still. We recognize that there is a history to this land that is older than we are and pay honor and respect to this history and to the Elders, past, present, and future.
The Moh-He-Con-Nuck

Archeaological evidence indicates that there has been a Mohican presence since 12,500 BP. Reaching the eastern edge of the country, the Mohicans settled in the valley of a river where the waters, like those in their original homeland, were never still. They named the river the Mahicannituck and themselves the Moh-He-Con-Nuck, the People of the Waters That are Never Still. The name evolved through several spellings, including Mahikan. During mass land disposession, genocide, and warfare in the 1700s, Mohican and Munsee-speaking Lenape joined to form one nation in order to ensure their survival. Today, they are known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians. Others of these Lenape people chose to settle on the river later renamed the Delaware, and are sometimes called Delaware Indians.
Excerpted from the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians website. Read more at
We also encourage direct donations to Stockbridge-Munsee Community, which can be made via the following link with “New Cultural Center” included in the description line.