Forge Project fosters relationships between the land and the built environment, creating spaces of kinship for the people who use them.
The space consists of two structures designed by Ai Weiwei in collaboration with HHF architects. The main residence is the larger of the two buildings and consists of four equal-sized boxes that are built as simple wood construction covered with corrugated metal panels on the outside and wood and gypsum panels on the inside. The floor plan is based on the needs of a traditional house yet organized around the four rigid outboxes.
Parallel to the main residence is the guest residence constructed of raw, rusted steel. Its upper floor features a circular skylight that illuminates a central art gallery. This residence also houses a fluid living and studio space for Forge fellows.

Outdoor Kitchen
Forge Project features a warm-weather programming calendar of experiential educational events rooted in Indigenous food sovereignty, collaborative practice, practical skill-building, and shared meals.

Situated around the Outdoor Kitchen—designed in 2021 by Sky High Farm and built with the generous support of Forge Project—the programs share a food-justice-centered approach, falling on a spectrum of themes spanning arts, culture, culinary exploration, hands-on craft, and knowledge-sharing. The first year of programming, initiated throughout the summer and fall of 2022 by Sky High Farm, included a sundry of special guest educators including chefs, herbalists, artists and crafters, seed keepers, and farmers.
As the Native-led focus of Forge Project has crystallized, we have pivoted to center Indigenous foodways in our programming focus, with events scheduled in summer and fall of 2023 guided by cultural practitioners, community organizers, and farmers whose work is dedicated in alignment with and in service to increasing access to cultural foods, ecological engagement through Indigenous harvesting and cultivation practices, and their intersections with place-based and community-stewarded knowledge.