Forging is a digital-first journal for critically imagining Native futures. Its editors and contributors are deeply committed to changing the way we study and interpret Indigenous survivance in the face of settler colonialism, with a focus on engaging, highlighting, and learning from Native voices.

Correction*, Essay

every pattern needs a passage

Sarah Biscarra Dilley

May 30, 2024

In this essay, co-published in the Spring 2024 edition of Post/doc by the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School, Director of Indigenous Programs & Relationality Sarah Biscarra Dilley (yaktitʸutitʸu yaktiłhini) explores modes of generational, matrilineal knowing that permeate our perceptions of “correct” ways of being in the world.

Connectivity, Essay

‘We Connect Whole Families’

Aimee Inglis

May 6, 2024

An Osage writer traces the winding histories that led her family, among many others, from Oklahoma to California at the beginning of the last century, and the ways she and other descendants have found community on the West Coast and back in Osage territory.

Connectivity, Art History

Gagizhibaajiwan, or Living With Paradox

Lois Taylor Biggs

Apr 30, 2024

Art historian Lois Taylor Biggs (Cherokee Nation/White Earth Ojibwe) shares the ways Anishinaabe artmaking helps make sense of life’s paradoxes, and all of their destructive and creative potential.


Correction*, Essayevery pattern needs a passageMay 30, 2024Connectivity, Essay‘We Connect Whole Families’May 6, 2024Connectivity, Art HistoryGagizhibaajiwan, or Living With ParadoxApr 30, 2024Connectivity, AnalysisMaintaining Diné K'é OnlineApr 23, 2024Connectivity, EssayReimagining Native MotherhoodApr 15, 2024Connectivity, Design CriticismThe Impermanent Beauty of Cree DesignApr 5, 2024Language, ConversationSpeaking With Your Cat: An Artist and Researcher Talk Artificial Intelligence, Community, and Cultural ExpressionJan 26, 2024Language, Analysispiyêsiwak wâhkôhtowin/thunderbird’s kinshipJan 18, 2024Language, HistoryRadical Indigenous Contemporaneity in ʻKe Aloha O Ka Haku’Jan 8, 2024Language, Art History(Un)seen: Rotuman Fạ’iDec 27, 2023Language, EssayAsking for Permission/Listening for ConsentDec 18, 2023Knowing, EssayPostmodernism Is Not PermissionOct 18, 2023Knowing, Q&A‘Clay. . . Lets You Leave Your Mark Exactly How You Put It Down’: An Interview With Raven HalfmoonSep 30, 2023Knowing, FeatureFinding HomeSep 28, 2023Seed, Criticism‘A Love Song to Ohlone Culture’Jun 23, 2023Seed, How-toHow to Make a Goathead SoftJun 23, 2023Seed, Q&AQ&A With Lucy GrignonJun 23, 2023Seed, Nonfiction essayPlanting Tobacco While the Ancestors LaughJun 23, 2023Seed, Photo essaySeeds, Bodies & Territory in Cerro QuilishJun 23, 2023

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