
Forge Project Site Visit

Forge Project

Apr 25, 2025


Forge Project is staffed by a dedicated but small team, and is open to the general public during public events. Beginning in 2025, we are offering a new structure for site tours at Forge Project that engages the distinct skills and areas of focus of each staff member.

Forge staff collaboratively lead tours on Fridays, March through October, for individuals and groups of up to 12 people. These two-hour tours include light refreshments, introductions to our work at Forge, and time to enjoy the space we steward.

Topic: Fellowship & Editorial Programs

On April 25, Frances Cathryn, Editorial Projects Manager, and Robbie Wing, Public and Community Program Coordinator, will lead site tours at 10 AM focused on the Forge Project Fellowship and Writing & Research Programs. 

We welcome requests for accommodations, and additional information about the accessibility Forge is committed to increasing accessibility to our site, including physical accessibility. We welcome requests for accommodation and further questions - please reach out directly by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

Forge Project charges a fee for site visits, which is inclusive of the time, expertise, and hosting shared as well as commitment to wealth redistribution as a core value. As such, Forge equally splits all site fees with Stockbridge-Munsee Community toward building their new Cultural Center as a tangible recognition of our responsibility to Moh-He-Con-Nuck peoples and homelands.

Our rates:

Always Free & Suggested Donation 

  • Native visitors as well as Native-led and explicitly Native-serving organizations

  • Grassroots nonprofits, activists, community organizers 

Expected Fee & Donation 

  • For supporters, donors & board visitors : $50

  • Cultural workers, nonprofit staff, university groups, visitors from land-grant institutions: $35

Forge is open by appointment for Native community members and Indigenous cultural workers, as well as for private site visits for groups larger than twelve or those wanting to include a meal; please email us at [email protected].

Forge Project recommends additional direct payments in the amount of your choosing to the Cultural Affairs Department at the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. We hope that others in the Mahicannituck (Hudson river) Valley and beyond will consider adopting actionable ways of financially redressing the displacement of Native peoples and ongoing dispossession from their homelands.

Click here if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Forge Project. We appreciate your support.