Here When They Got Here

Lil' Deb's Oasis
Hudson, NY
Nov 26, 2023
Saturday, November 25 starting at 11 PM and going late, Lil' Deb's Oasis and Forge Project are partnering for a night of performances, dancing, film screenings, and food and drinks.
Here When They Got Here contextualizes the “short memory of settlement within infinitely longer Indigenous relationships to place in the Mahicannituck (Hudson river) Valley and all other occupied lands. We have witnessed the edges of settler imagination and its attempts to confine Indigenous worldbuilding—and we imagine something different.” – Sarah Biscarra Dilley (yaktitʸutitʸu yaktiłhini [Northern Chumash]), Director of Indigenous Programs & Relationality
The night will include screenings of Reclamation and Two-Spirit Introductory Special by Theo Cuthand and New Red Order’s Give It Back; a live performance by 2023 Forge Project Fellow Kite and Robbie Wing; and music from HEAVY PLEASURE will follow.
Lil’s Deb’s Oasis will generously provide some bites for the event; alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available for purchase. Make sure to grab tickets to reserve seat(s) for the screening portion of the program. Limited standing room will be available for unticketed guests.
Reminder: As COVID-19 continues to be active in our communities, proof of vaccination will be required for all who visit Forge Project or Forge Project hosted events. If you are feeling ill or have been recently exposed to COVID-19, we ask that you stay home. A limited amount of masks and COVID-19 tests will be available at the door.

Robbie Wing (Cherokee Nation Citizen) and Suzanne Kite (Oglála Lakȟóta) performing at Lil' Deb's Oasis.